Peace Uv Mine
Peace Uv Mine - 20th Anniversary Playlist
Curated by Ebony Safiyyah + Savvi + EQuality
This year Peace Uv Mine celebrates their 20th Anniversary of impeccable artistry, creativity, and unmatched lyricism that seamlessly co-exists within present and future spaces.
They are the epitome of what it means to oscillate between parallel universes. This Hueston-based (no typo) cadre of forward-thinking artists have contributed to the Hip Hop arena with a special kind of musical genius.
It’s full of soul, tight beats, live instruments, raw vocals, vibrant audio experiences, witty puns and metaphors. It’s spiritual, poetic, cultured, non-offensive, organic and thought-provoking. They are the embodiment of a vibe that you’ll feel within every atom of your being!
The Legacy Candle is our way of honoring these amazing artists, with a tech-based candle experience that seeks to reflect the spirit of their artistry in a unique manner.
It is also our way of showcasing their amazing body of work to a new audience!
To learn more about Peace Uv Mine Entertainment, read our exclusive interview with co-founders, Savvi and EQuality!
P.S. In this interview, they decode their musical approach and many of their songs!
H.I.S.D. (Hueston Independent Spit District)
Michele Thibeaux
Radio Galaxy
H.I.S.D. (Hueston Independent Spit District)
Peace Uv Mine
Radio Galaxy
Michele Thibeaux
Krystal Hardwick
H.I.S.D. (Hueston Independent Spit District)
H.I.S.D. (Hueston Independent Spit District)
The Hue
H.I.S.D. (Hueston Independent Spit District)