Mother Tynnetta Muhammad - More Than Coffee
According to family and close companions of Mother Tynnetta Muhammad, her sole desire and life was driven by proving and validating the presence of God, as taught by her husband The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in every part of the world; no matter the continent, island, village or tribe. She traveled the world with the goal to manifest the most recognized image from previous editions of the Final Call Newspaper, which at that time was Muhammad Speaks, that illustrated unity of the original family across the globe. This image was the Vision of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. She wanted to expose and awaken as many as she could to the real vastness of God’s creations.
Her desire was for us to fully understand the mission, the bigger picture of why Master Fard Muhammad came and what He brought with Him to give to us. She wanted us to understand that what He brought was designed to get us to a state where the original people, the Indigenous people in other parts of the world, would see an awakening — and it would be at that time we could make the connection with them.
Mxodus Coffee Brand was and is fashioned to build cultural connections and bridges with our people in different parts of the world. To build a relationship that ties us closer to our brothers and sisters.
The coffee was and is the key to open doors to our Indigenous family. That’s what she was working towards. It’s so much deeper than coffee alone and she nor her legacy can be reduced to merely coffee.
She had a goal beyond the mundane things of life. What she was showing us and striving to give us was the broader aspect of The Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. She was seeking to show us that Master Fard Muhammad came to remind us of who we are and to get us back to our original state of being.
She traveled the world by the permission of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad before his departure, and she continued to travel under the guidance of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, all of which with the protection of God, to expose us to the bigger world so that we will find ourselves. She wanted to expose us to the greater signs of God in other parts of the world, which gives us the confidence and security that, “This planet is mine”.
She didn’t want us to be isolated to our block or side of town. To isolate and disconnect us from our global family is what the enemy wants to do.
The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad sought to give us a thorough knowledge of ourselves. Within the fabric of his Teachings is high civilization and self-development. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan echoes his Teacher with the same goal through Self-Improvement study guides and the reiteration and expounding of The Teachings.
Mother Tynnetta Muhammad understood this deeply and wanted for all to see this as well. She dedicated her life to the vision of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad uniting our people across the globe.
She believed that when you expose a people to the bigger world, they will find themselves. She believed that it would make it easier for us to put on the “clothes of God”.
It was said that Mother Tynnetta Muhammad was so focused on the mission/vision, deeply rooted in Islam, studious of the Lessons given by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad that she could not be moved an inch from him by anyone.
She sacrificed and dedicated her life to prove the evidence and presence of God in every part of the world and to expose as many as she could to the truth and depth of who they are and Whose they are.
Mother Tynnetta Muhammad, more than coffee.
More about Mxodus:
The Story Behind Project Mxodus: The Benefits of Coffee
Mxodus Coffee Story leads to Mxodus Educational Tours
Project MXODUS: Establishing trade and educational ties in Mexico